What happened to Chad Franke? VSCO pictures help quell fan concerns in wake of Ruby Franke arrest

Ruby Franke, a mother of six from Utah who runs the popular parenting YouTube channel 8 Passengers, was arrested on Wednesday, August 30, for allegedly abusing her children. The arrest came after a clip of Chad Franke, Ruby's son, went viral in 2020, in which he talked about his situation. Following this, Ruby and her husband, Kevin, had sparked outrage among fans for years before her arrest.

After Ruby Franke's arrest on child abuse allegations, followers have been recalling the moment in 2020 when Chad Franke's comments prompted 8 passengers to be contacted by child protective services.

The arrest was based on a now-deleted video, in which Ruby's 15-year-old son revealed that he had been forced to sleep on the floor for seven months due to a prank he performed on his younger sibling. Chad stated in the video:

"My bedroom was taken away for seven months. I was sleeping on a beanbag since October."

According to The Reality Snark, Chad, who is 17, eventually moved out of the house. However, netizens were concerened about Chad's present state. Thankfully, some recent VSCO pictures of Chad have been uploaded by a Reddit account user that shows him having fun. Although his current location is unknown, the pictures suggest that he is well.

Ruby Franke was arrested due to child abuse allegations after Chad Franke's video

Ruby Franke is reportedly in custody on the Washington County Sheriff's Office after being detained at 9:33 pm on August 30 in Utah. At the same time, her business partner was also detained. The attorney stated on Friday that the two had been charged with six counts of serious child abuse allegation each. However, Franke refuted these claims.

Chad reportedly told 2.5 million subscribers in a now-deleted video from 2020, which was uploaded on the 8 Passengers channel, that he was punished after he pulled pranks on his younger brother Russell. Chad also mentioned in the video that he was sleeping on a bean bag for several months as a form of punishment.

Now, some recent pictures of Chad Franke uploaded on Reddit by user Ok_Neighborhood240 have sparked interest among the netizens. They are now curious about Chad’s recent whereabouts and even took to the comment section of the post to ask the same.

Netizens voice their opinion regarding Chad (Image via Reddit / Ok_Neighborhood240)
Netizens voice their opinion regarding Chad (Image via Reddit / Ok_Neighborhood240)
Netizens voice their opinion regarding Chad (Image via Reddit / Ok_Neighborhood240)
Netizens voice their opinion regarding Chad (Image via Reddit / Ok_Neighborhood240)

What did Ruby say about her charges?

According to Fox 13, Ruby Franke, the star of the YouTube channel 8 Passengers, and Jodi Hildebrandt, the creator of the parent counseling service ConneXions, were detained on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. E News reported that she is still being held in captivity.

Ruby was a regular on the 8 Passengers channel, which chronicled her life and the lives of her six children - Chad Franke, Julie, Shari, Russell, Abby, and Eve. However, the family has been on a downhill spiral for the past three years.

Following the arrest of the YouTube mom, followers began scrutinizing the videos from 2020 where her son, Chad Franke, made the alleged claims of abuse. According to US Today, Ruby once declined to send her six-year-old daughter's lunch to school since she had forgotten to pack one. All these instances prompted the followers to report Ruby and her husband to child protective services.

However, on the other hand, Ruby allegedly said something else. According to Insider, Ruby said that Chad and Russell shared a room, but the former was forced to leave due to a therapist's advice. He was apparently given the option of sleeping on an inflatable mattress or elsewhere in the house. However, fans were reportedly alarmed when they learned that the teen guy was sleeping on a bean bag.

When questioned by The Insider, the couple claimed they gave Chad the option of sleeping on a pullout guest bed, an inflatable mattress, or elsewhere in the house. However, Chad Franke reportedly chose the beanbag because it was the most comfortable.

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