Scarlett Johansson is tired of ingenue roles, wants to be taken seriously

Yes, Scarlett Johansson is still promoting her role as a zookeeper in We Bought a Zoo. I’ve heard so much about that movie that it feels like it should’ve come out ages ago, but no, the release date is still December 23. Anyway, Scarlett sat down with NY Mag to discuss more about the movie, and something amusing actually happened. Scar admitted that she intentionally gave her character a wide-legged stance so that her portrayal would be taken more seriously. Did I just really type that? Like, in order to play this character “full of conviction,” Scar felt it necessary to spread her legs. Those are the makings of a real actress, I guess:

On Her Zoo Character’s Wide-Legged Stance: I wanted that character to be full of conviction – and in order to be full of conviction, you have to be [pause] full of conviction, or it doesn’t work. I think part of that was the physicality of the role. It was this salt of the Earth, feet on the ground, ready to just solve the problem as it comes at you [character]. There’s something a little bit “in your own skin” about it, and I think that’s just the kind of stance she adopts.

On Whether She Prefer’s Animals Or Humans: I take humans most of the time, but I have to say that occasionally sitting on the couch with the dog, you’re just like, “Man, you’re the best company. This is bliss.” Just the dog and a nice old movie and you’re good to go. But yeah, people. I take people.

On Getting Tired Of Seductress Roles: I think that as I get older, I’m now looking at roles that move away from that kind of ingénue mold and are more based on women that are experienced and have had life before the point you find them in. That’s refreshing for me. It’s nice to be able to kind of transition into that. I feel like for me, right now, I don’t wanna take on any roles that aren’t challenging in some way. I never wanna play something I’ve done before. I wanna be able to just have everything be hard in some way. Otherwise, what’s the point?

On Her Upcoming Directing Gig, Summer Crossing: It’s a project I’ve been developing for five or six years. I’m writing it right now with Tristine Skyler, so we’ll see. You have a script and then you take it out and finance it. It’s a big preproduction process, but that’s where my focus is.

[From NY Mag Vulture]

Obviously, Scarlett really wants to be a director, but I honestly don’t see the project that she mentioned happening anytime soon. A few years ago, someone in power had the bright idea to let Scarlett helm a segment of New York, I Love You, but her portion ended up on the editing room floor instead of making it into the final cut, which is a shame because it was the one part of the movie that starred Kevin Bacon.

Just for kicks, here’s a video clip of Scarlett’s segment. A director, she is not.

Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN
