Megan Fox forced to gain 10 lbs in 3 weeks for Transformers sequel

I never realized just how scary skinny Megan Fox is. You see enough pictures of skinny celebrities and it starts to seriously warp your perspective. Anyone five pounds heavier than Angelina starts to look fat. You just become so used to seeing sticks, that your perspective becomes completely warped. Actress – and maybe Brian Austin Green’s fiancé – Fox says she lost so much weight for a movie – and conveniently forgot to put it back on – that she was forced to gain ten pounds in three weeks for the Transformers sequel.

Megan Fox is still one of the slimmest starlets in Tinseltown, but the ubersexy screen siren was sporting a few more much-needed curves beneath her “Star Wars” T-shirt and jeans at the FOX Television Critics Association party in Santa Monica, Calif., on Monday night.

Fox was forced to gain 10 pounds in three weeks for her role in the second “Transformers” movie following a dramatic and dangerous weight loss for her last film, “Jennifer’s Body.”

“I should have toned up for ‘Transformers’ but I’m really lazy. I had to put on weight,” she told Pop Tarts. “I’d lost a lot of weight and got really scrawny, but I was told I had to put on size for ‘Transformers’ because Michael [Bay, the director] doesn’t like skinny girls.”

But what dangerous dieting regime did Megan use to pop the pounds in the first place? “I just stopped eating,” she said. “I don’t eat very healthy anyway — I have a serious sugar tooth, so now I eat red-velvet cake before I go to bed every night, and if you eat meals later, you’ll put on weight faster, so I had dinner at 10 p.m.”

[From PopTarts]

Um… just stopped eating? That’s got to be just about the least healthy way to lose weight I can imagine. And I’m surprised Fox isn’t smart enough to add some, “Don’t ever do that, it was dangerous/terrible/I hated it/etc” caveat to that statement. Okay I guess I’m actually not shocked, but I am surprised there wasn’t anyone around her (hello publicist?) to elbow her and add it in on her behalf.

Here’sMegan Fox at the Fox All-Star Party at the Pier held at the Santa Monica Pier yesterday. Photographer: Adriana M. Barraza. Images thanks to WENN.
