Rapper Jim Jones’ mother, Nancy Jones, or Mama Jones, as she is popularly called, has revealed a picture of her new boyfriend. Mama is seemingly dating a 25-year old man, who is speculated to be in prison, according to reports. However, the same has not been confirmed by any outlet.
Mama Jones reportedly posted a picture of herself with the man on Instagram. As pointed out by Mediatakeout, the picture has the same background, which is taken by visitors at New York City’s Riker’s Island prison.
Further, her cryptic Instagram caption with the young man hints that her boyfriend might not be in prison.
It read:
“The only time he does is in Mama Jones World. Goodnight”Now, fans who followed the show, along with Mama Jones, have left hilarious reactions on her picture with a man with the evident age difference.
While some fans funnily noted that the man was Jim Jones' little brother, some noted that he was Jim Jones' dad. One user also questioned if the man was one of Mama’ grandchildren.
She soon put the confusion of her fans to rest by confirming that the picture of the man she posted was in fact her boyfriend. One Instagram user, in a comment, wrote:
“Mama gotta have a life too. PERIOD! Live it tf up Mama Jones, he's fine fine lol. I love this for you.”Mama Jones, who is popular for the VH1’s TV-Show Love & Hip Hop: New York, was known for her meddling nature on the show. She appeared on the sagoa decade ago, as a businesswoman, youth advocate, and mentor.
She also starred in her reality show titled, Chrissy & Mr. Jones and even created a diss track called Psychotic, which was apparently created for her son’s longtime girlfriend Chrissy.
The two recently appeared to make amends on an episode of VH1 Family Reunion: Love & Hip Hop Edition. As per Madamenoire, Chrissy Lampkin told Jones that she thought she would step up more after Lampkin’s mother shortly after she began dating Jim Jones.
Lampkin further noted that she was hurt for the past 18 years. Mama can be seen apologising to Chrissy in a clip from the show.
Jones told Chrissy:
“I can apologize for that. I know I can be a piece of work.”Lampkin further added, noting:
“This is a very different Nancy for me. She’s never given me an apology for the things she’s done and for the things she’s caused. That was a first.”Jones also told Chrissy that she would like them to be together as a family. Lampkin told Mama that she did not have to change but be a little nicer. Chrissy Lamkin and Jim Jones have been dating for over a decade but do not plan to tie the knot anytime soon.
Lampkin, in a 2020 Essence interview, was quoted as saying:
“To be honest with you, it’s not a priority anymore. Our relationship is in a good place. I thought that [marriage] was the natural progression, but it’s not for everybody. So, we’re good right now.”The couple has also appeared on reality shows including Vow Or Never and the long-running series Marriage Boot Camp.
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