We’ve all been there: Standing in Sephora trying to get help finding the new product you’ve been dying to try, or you want to share your new favorite find with your friend. The only problem? You’re actually clueless on how to correctly say the makeup, hair, or skincare brand’s name.
There’s no shortage or tongue twisters, recognizable names that tend to elicit pronunciation matches, or those that are just downright phonetically confusing. That's why we’ve done the research for you by figuring out the phonetics and finding out exactly how to say some of the most common mispronounced brand names. Consider this class Beauty Brand Names 101 and our pronunciation list your textbook.
From Aesop to Yves Saint Laurent, click ahead for our alphabetically sorted guide to correctly pronouncing the most commonly mispronounced beauty brand names.
Pronunciation: ee-sop
Pronunciation: uh-ven
Pronunciation: BO-sha
Pronunciation: bye-ray-doh
Pronunciation: KO-deh-lee
Pronunciation: shun-NELL
Pronunciation: shan-tuh-KIGH
Pronunciation: chris-tian loo-bootan
Pronunciation: see-AH-tay
Pronunciation: clay de poe BOW-tay
Pronunciation: clin-NEEK
Pronunciation: DA-vi-ness
Pronunciation: dip-teek
Pronunciation: elf
Pronunciation: fehk-eye
Pronunciation: zhee-von-SHE
Pronunciation: gloss-ee-AY
Pronunciation: gair-LAHN
Pronunciation: it cosmetics
Pronunciation: care-AH-stahss
Pronunciation: KEV-in au-QUAN
Pronunciation: keels
Pronunciation: KOH gen DOH
Pronunciation: lohn-cohm
Pronunciation: la mare
Pronunciation: lah-ROCK
Pronunciation: nix
Pronunciation: or-bay
Pronunciation: way
Pronunciation: shih-SAY-doe
Pronunciation: SHOE oo-eh-MOO-rah
Pronunciation: sis-lay
Pronunciation: s-k too
Pronunciation: san trop-AY
Pronunciation: taht-CHA
Pronunciation: eve sanh LA-rahn