A false warning about Bigfoot, posted in jest by New Mexico's Taos County is now doing rounds on the internet. On July 1, the County shared a false warning cautioning people about the creature ahead of the July 4 holiday and sharing a list of the Dos and Don'ts to keep in mind, should one encounter it.
The faux post was captioned:
"TCSO wants to remind everyone the “do’s and don’ts when encountering Sasquatch aka: Bigfoot. Have a Hapoy [sic] and Safe (& funny) Holiday weekend everyone."Pictures of the ape-like creature were also shared along with what looked like an official circular. It urged people to stay calm if they encounter the creature, with a list of pointers advising people about what to do in such a situation.
The pointers urged people to refrain from running, chasing, yelling, and feeding Bigfoot. In the list of things to do, there were primarily two things:
"Do go about your business. Do take pictures. "The fake warning further read:
"The giant creature will not enter an occupied camp and will not harm you."Despite the apparent legitimacy of this notice, the US Forest Service has dismissed the validity of the warning, asserting that they have not verified the presence of Bigfoot. Spokesperson John Winn told USA Today:
"We believe this was done as a humorous gag. If and when a Sasquatch is sighted by officials on National Forest System lands, we’ll be sure to use official Forest Service letterhead.”However, the faux posters about the creature has now made people made rethink its existence.
The existence of this giant creature, also known as Sasquatch, has been a subject of fascination and debate for decades. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence to prove its existence, numerous eyewitness accounts, cultural beliefs, and alleged sightings have fueled the enduring mystery surrounding this elusive creature.
This creature is described as a large, hairy, ape-like creature, standing anywhere between 6 to 10 feet tall and weighing several hundred pounds. It is said to have a human-like face, broad shoulders, and leaves behind footprints measuring around 15 to 24 inches in length.
While skeptics argue that most of the giant creature sightings can be attributed to hoaxes, misidentifications of other animals, or simple misinterpretations of natural phenomena, believers remain steadfast in their convictions. They cite alleged eyewitness testimonies, hair samples, and footprints as evidence of the giant creature's existence, demanding further scientific investigation.
Earlier, in 2018, an intriguing hoax about the giant creature garnered attention on the internet.
During that time, an elaborate hoax claiming to have captured clear video footage of the giant creature surfaced on the internet. The video spread rapidly, sparking excitement and speculation among believers and skeptics alike. However, as the video gained traction, doubts began to emerge regarding its authenticity.
Investigations into the video revealed several red flags that pointed towards a deliberate fabrication. Experts in visual effects and CGI analysis highlighted inconsistencies in the creature's movements, suggesting that it was computer-generated rather than a genuine sighting.
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